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Hi there, I am Sirya Siddiqui from India. Your Siri who wants to make everything happen in this one Life, but most importantly travel the world. Growing up seeing my dad working as a director for Indian Film & television industry, I knew that I wanted to be like him knowing that I will also get to travel in this way.  I knew that I wanted to become a filmmaker but more then that I wanted to TRAVEL. 


And  after my graduation I started working for Indian Television Industry & from then I have been working as Creative/Content Producer for television shows. It is not less then a dream come true as I have grown up watching these shows & now I am a part of making these shows. But throughout all this Travel was always in my heart.


And in 2019 I planned a solo trip for myself that I wanted to do it from a long time. So I went to Sikkim in India itself for a solo trip. And this trip took me out of the bubble that I was living in.  It made me realise that this is what I want to do. This is how I want to live my life everyday. And after this all I could think was TRAVEL.


And at this point all I knew was at the end of my Life I don’t won’t to regret  how I missed the chance of witnessing this big beautiful world. Every moment I had that fear & anxiety of I am missing out on something.  And this is when I decided that I can't miss the opportunity of ‘ONE LIFE TO TRAVEL THE BIG BEAUTIFUL WORLD’. Since then I try & plan for trips whenever possible.


I love travelling solo with in the budget, making strangers my family, staying in hostels, travelling without destination, trips without plans, witnessing sunsets & trying all kind of adventure sports. Ohh & the freedom of travel is what I love the most.


So here I am ready to take on to my passion that I can't go without a day thinking about it. Also being a person who loves filming, I would not miss this opportunity of spreading my passion through travel fims & blogs of my travel experiences.  So welcoming you all with warm virtual hugs to be a part of my big beautiful world journey.


Lets begin now because its just ONE LIFE!



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